Breathwork with Chauna Bryant
Breathwork with Chauna Bryant
Breathwork is an ancient practice that uses rhythmic breathing to induce a meditative state. In this workshop, we will explore two styles of breathing circular and three-part breath. This workshop will be educational, exploratory, and supportive. We will begin with a guided meditation to center and ground our energy, followed by journaling and time for sharing and reflecting then we will seal it all in with Breathwork. Bring a journal and headphones if you have a busy household. The style of Breathwork that Chauna leads is best enjoyed lying as horizontally as possible, in a comfy spot, other suggested items are a knee pillow, water, and lip balm
Chauna Bryant is a Breathwork Meditation facilitator, Pilates, and GYROTONIC® instructor, and founder of Breath Liberation Society. She is dedicated to body and mind rejuvenation. With 15 years of experience, Chauna assists her clients in cultivating their mind, body, and breath alignment. She revolutionizes her multiple practices by integrating her multiple expertise into enriching client-specific experiences. Participants in her private, group, and corporate Breathwork Meditation sessions benefit from her multifaceted experience and singular approach. When possible, Chauna offers Virtual breathing circles at inclusive pricing: a sliding scale pay structure and scholarships are available. You can catch her free, guided Breathwork Meditations on YouTube, InsightTimer, and InstagramTV.
Disclaimer: Breathwork is a powerful form of self-care that may take you deep into alternative states, it may also bring strong emotions and memories to the surface. It is possible that you will need additional therapeutic or supportive interventions. Chauna is a meditation guide, not a therapist. Breathwork is not intended to replace formal therapy or be used in place of advice from any medical professional. By signing up for this service you are accepting a commitment to be your own healer, to practice healthy coping mechanisms, and to research and seek outside support if necessary. Some health conditions can be contraindicated for Breathwork if you are in the first trimester of pregnancy, have a history of seizures or you are recovering from a recent traumatic brain injury and you are new to Breathwork (specifically the three-part breath) consider consulting your physician before participating in this practice.